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THE 3R's Project


We are continuing development of the project results!

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

Project status


We are continuing development of the project results! The 3Rs project is in on the stage of development of the Project Result 2 – training content. All partners are working on the preparation of the relevant moduleswhich goal is to provide comprehensive knowledge for our stakeholders to reduce amount of residues in their daily life. All the materials will be available in partner’s languages and available on

What we were doing so far


As you could read in the newsletter no 1 our project lasts 2 years. We just passed one year of implementation and we are very proud if our achievements. We have developed already training methodology and detailed curriculum which is already available on the project’s website. We are in progress of the development of the detailed but comprehensive training materials which will be possible to download from the project platform and use for self-learning. What is very important all materials elaborated in the frame of our project are free of charge.

In the frame of Intellectual Output 2 we are working on 6 modules which will cover all topics related zero waste way of life. So the discussion will start form short introduction of the idea of zero waste approach and next content will describe in details rational shopping and rational food purchase, possibility of own production of the cosmetics, environmental cleaning products and also ways of saving energy and water.

All modules will be ready very soon and we kindly encourage our followers to take a look and send us their opinion and suggestions.

To ameliorate the quality of our modules, in the next stages of the project implementation we plan to execute the piloting session of all elaborated materials. We will keep informing you about this event in the nearest future.



Association SEDA is a young organization established in 2019. A team of young scientists and people involved in adult education as well as those educated in the social sciences have created the association, enabling the implementation of educational projects related to adult education.

The mission of the Association is educational, training and assistance activities.

SEDA's statutory objectives are implemented by organizing training sessions, workshops, conferences, programs and assistance actions, as well as by developing training materials. The association aims to improve the competences and skills of adults acting in accordance with the idea of lifelong learning.

The employees and trainers working in the Association are highly qualified staff in terms of both education and professional skills. In addition, the Association cooperates with numerous adult organizations ( e.g. third age universities, prison associations) as well as public and private institutions from various branches (eg universities, research institutes, prison inspectorate , foundation for disabled people, etc.).

Association SEDA took part, as an associated partner in the project about the circular economy titled U-Eco.

U-Eco project:

Trebag Intellectual Property and Project Manager Ltd. is a Hungarian private company established in 1989. Trebag has had wide experience in European projects and transnational cooperation for 15 years with special focus on training (eg. in agriculture and entrepreneurial skills), environmental education and awareness raising, R&D and innovation. The company has participated in around 50 projects so far in Erasmus+ KA2, LLL, Leonardo da Vinci and

Grundtvig programs and projects in the 4th-5th Framework Programmes, and in H2020. Trebag Ltd. has significant experience and expertise in the following fields: development of vocational training materials and methodologies including e-learning and gamification, trainings, implementation of technology transfer and innovation chain management.

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